
Canada's No Confidence Vote

Trudeau's Power Hangs in the Balance

USPA NEWS - Following this week's vote of no confidence in the Canadian Parliament, Prime Minister Trudeau's leadership hangs in the balance. Despite the NDP promise to end their backing of the Liberals, NDP promises are of no value. Even the Party de Quebecois failed to protect Canadians against Liberal mismanagement, abuse of power, and misuse of taxpayer money. Will MP Pierre Poilievre be able to save Canada?

The Canadian Leader of the Opposition, MP Pierre Poilievre’s 1st attempt this year hoped to rid Canada of the Liberal/NDP dishonesty. Canadians remain under Trudeau’s carbon taxes, unrealistic environmental constraints, and foreign travel fees. In 2025, Canadians will pay for a UK security check before travelling to the UK due to UK concerns about importing security risk individuals. What’s next? Will the US follow suit? Trudeau is levying more taxes, not for nation building, infrastructure, or helping and protecting Canadians, but it is, allegedly, to pay off illegally misspent taxpayer money.
Tens of thousands of homeless and about 25% of Canadians are struggling to survive. Too many die every winter, living outside in cold temperatures that every Canadian knows will kill within minutes. Poor parents, despite having jobs, go hungry to feed their children, and independent truckers with their own trucks, struggle with vehicle loan payments. Canadian truckers are the main driving force, keeping freight and the Canadian economy moving in rain, shine, or snow. Without the care of the few, the poor go without. Without good Canadians, many homeless people on the streets will be dead within at least a year from hunger or disappear without a trace. Even the middle classes barely make it by. More and more homes are being repossessed, and most young adults will never own their own homes under the current conditions.
Can Canadians wait until October 2025 for MP Pierre Poilievre to take power and become their democratic PM? It is doubtful. The longer the Canadian Liberals and their PM have in power, the more damage Canada and Canadians will sustain. With Communist posters being put up in places like Edmonton, calling for a Communist revolution and overthrow of the Canadian government, there is no doubt that the race to protect Canadian democracy and save Canadians is running out of time. What will Trudeau do next? Try to alter the rules of Elections Canada again, to keep himself in power indefinitely? Are the rumored whisperings of a potential military coup just whispers?
‘Let not anyone pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.’ - John Stuart Mill
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